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About Alissa

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Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certificate Badge


B.S. Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University

Hi, I'm Alissa! 


I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, mom, wife, athlete, home chef and wellness aficionado. I’ve been obsessed with food and fitness since I can remember but I haven’t always had the best relationship with either. In 2019, I finally decided to follow my passion and enroll in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and my life has never been the same. Upon completing my certification at IIN, pregnant with my first baby, I knew working in the corporate world would never provide the fulfillment I get from helping others on their own wellness journey. In 2021, I took the plunge to leave the corporate world for full time motherhood and coaching and I have never looked back!


I used to be of the mindset that feeling "good” meant feeling skinny, which required a strict diet of clean eating and whole foods, cooked at home with limited sugar, limited carbs and limited fat. That meant canceling plans in order to stick to my diet, or overwhelming feelings of anxiety when forced to stray from my routine. This all or nothing, restrictive mentality not only fostered a negative relationship with food, but also feelings of shame and weakness if I chose to sacrifice my diet to spend time with family or friends. I would say this came to a head when I strictly followed the Whole 30 diet for THREE months before my wedding. Hello, not healthy! And then I found IIN, where I learned that it's not just the food on our plate that determines our health, but finding peace and balance in the primary areas of our lives as well, such as relationships, spirituality, career, hobbies, joy and movement. Given the opportunity to explore these different areas, I began to take a more holistic approach to my own wellness. In doing so, I have been able to let go of the need for control and instead learn to trust in what my body is telling me it needs. That can be different day to day and week to week, but once you learn to truly listen to what your body needs and respond with compassion, you will begin to see the lasting and transformational change you have been looking for.


When I became pregnant in 2020, and in the immediate postpartum period after my daughter was born, this transformative work in how I spoke to and responded to my constantly changing body was priceless. In a time where it would have been so easy to pick apart every bulge, dimple and stretch mark, I instead was able to appreciate the absolutely incredible things my body was doing to support this growing human. I realized just how important food is for fuel, both for my growing baby and for me, and learned to accept both physical and emotional forms of self care as equally important to my overall health. Viewing perinatal wellness through this lens, has allowed me the freedom to do what my body needs without the internal and external pressures to look and feel a certain way during this time in my life.


Eat Free Wellness was born to help others on their own journey to find balance in health and live life to the fullest. My goal is to help you find and trust your intuitive voice by learning to speak kindly to yourself, let go without binging and find the joy in sharing delicious food with the ones you love.


I hope to connect with you soon! 

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