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8 Causes of Cravings

Updated: Jul 5, 2020

When you approach your cravings from a place of mindfulness, you can learn to read the signals from your body and identify what is really out of balance.

We all know that feeling when a craving hits and you have to have that chocolate chip cookie or salty snack. Before you give in, take a second to check in with yourself and identify the why behind the craving.

Sometimes, you might just really want a chocolate chip cookie - and you should enjoy it! The goal is not to restrict yourself when cravings arise, but to approach them from a place of mindfulness. In doing so, you may find that your body is trying to send a far deeper message.

1. Lack of Primary Food

Primary Food refers to areas of your life that nourish you beyond your plate. When you’re in a bad relationship, bored or uninspired at work or just generally over-stressed, your body may be trying to fill those voids. It is not uncommon for people to try to balance uncomfortable emotions with food. Be honest with yourself and try to examine these areas of primary food if you feel you are lacking in one or multiple.

For more on Primary Food check out another post, 4 Pillars of Integrative Health.

2. Water

Drinking a glass of water before a meal is an age old ‘diet’ trick, but it really is an important factor in your body’s ability to properly regulate food intake. Additionally, if you are exercising or sweating a lot your body is eliminating electrolytes and may cause you to crave salty foods if you do not rehydrate properly.

3. Yin Yang Imbalance

According to traditional Chinese Medicine, certain foods are more yin (expansive),

while others are more yang (contractive). This theory suggests that eating foods that are too far in one direction will cause you to crave the opposite. For example, eating a diet rich in sugar (yin) may cause a craving for meat, while a balanced diet of ‘neutral’ foods (whole grains, fruits, veggies, beans) will help to reduce your cravings.

4. Inside Coming Out

This occurs when your body craves foods that you have recently eaten. Your body may be trying to recreate a positive eating experience even though you are not hungry anymore.

5. Seasonal

Ever wonder why you crave warm soups and stews in the winter and delicious crisp salads or smoothies in warmer weather? This is your body’s innate propensity to want what is in season - listen to it!

6. Lack of Nutrients

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent. Sometimes a craving is the body’s way of telling you that it needs more of something. For example, a craving for red meat could indicate you need more iron.

7. Hormonal

Your monthly craving for chocolate is not just in your head! Fluctuations in testosterone, progesterone and estrogen can cause unique cravings.

8. Devolution

I’m sure you are all familiar with this one - you’ve been on a journey to lose weight and finally hit that 10lb mark only to go out with your friends and binge on french fries and cake. True transformation does not happen overnight, and sometimes our bodies revert to old habits because they are comfortable. Try not to let go completely when this happens. Often times our journeys are winding and we have to take one step back to take two steps forward.

The bottom line is that having cravings, or giving in to them, does not make you weak. When you are able to check in with your body and understand the underlying cause for your cravings you are able to better fuel your body with what it needs - be it food, rest or anything in between.

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