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Perfect Banana Oatmeal

An easy, nutritious and delicious breakfast for the whole family!

Oatmeal is a hearty and warming breakfast that, when prepared right, can keep you full and satisfied all morning. Be careful of pre-packaged oatmeal packets, that often contain tons of added sugars and lack some of the added healthy fats and proteins you’ll find in this recipe. Fats and proteins, like chia seeds, collagen powder and nut butter, are the secret ingredients that boost brain health and keep you full for longer.

I survived off of oatmeal after my daughter was born. Oatmeal contains beta-glucan, which is a type of fiber that is thought to raise the hormone prolactin, which helps with breastmilk production. Additionally, oats are high in iron which is super important to replenish after childbirth. Iron is also a critical component of a baby’s early solids diet as many babies are often deficient in iron. Once your baby is eating solids, this is the perfect easy breakfast to make for both of you to share! *Note* Be conscious of introducing allergens to baby and omit collagen powder if sharing with your baby.

My favorite part about this recipe, especially when you make it as often as I do, is the variety it offers! Stick to the basic base and add whatever toppings or flavors you love. I will share some of my favorite combinations below.


  • ⅓ cup old fashioned rolled oats or instant oats (do NOT use steel cut oats, as it will impact cooking time)

  • ⅔ cup milk of choice (I use unsweetened almond milk)

  • 1TBSP chia seeds

  • ½ banana, mashed

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 1 scoop collagen powder (optional)


  1. Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat, stir occasionally so it does not start to burn on the bottom of the pan

  2. When the milk starts to bubble, first add in the collagen powder (if using) and stir to dissolve in the warm milk. Then add in the oats and turn heat to low

  3. Cover for the 3-5 mins and then remove the cover, add chia seeds and continue to cook, stirring occasionally

  4. When the liquid is almost absorbed, add in the banana and cinnamon and stir to combine. Taste and add cinnamon as desired

  5. Continue cooking until the liquid is absorbed and then cover and turn off the heat while you prepare the toppings

Optional Toppings:

PB&J: This is my ALL time favorite.

  • 1 scoop of your favorite nut butter (add it as soon as you transfer oatmeal from the pot to a bowl so the heat melts the nut butter and you can stir it in)

  • ¼ cup blueberries

  • ¼ cup chopped strawberries

Chocolate Peanut Butter:

  • 2TBSP cacao powder (add this in with the banana and cinnamon)

  • 1 scoop of your favorite nut butter (add it as soon as you transfer oatmeal from the pot to a bowl so the heat melts the nut butter and you can stir it in)

  • Top with some more sliced banana and/or cacao nibs

Tropical Twist:

  • 2-3TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut

  • ¼ cup diced pineapple

  • 4 cup diced mango

  • Sliced bananas

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