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Postpartum Support

Be the best version of yourself for you and your little one... â€‹

Hormones. Baby weight. Breastfeeding. Women are conditioned to feel the need to "bounce back" and lose weight immediately after giving birth, but now more than ever it’s critical to fuel your body and mind with the nutrients it needs to heal and thrive under the demands of new motherhood. After your body grows, delivers and continues to sustain another human being, it would be crazy to go back to exactly the way it was before. Why do so many of us expect that to happen? 


My Postpartum specific, 1:1 coaching program is designed to begin after the ‘4th Trimester’ and take you through your ninth month postpartum. It took nine months for your body to grow a human so I’ve designed this program to give yourself at least that much time to get to know the new you!


Includes all the same features and levels of support as my standard 1:1 coaching program, with an emphasis on the following topics:

  • Nutrition to support your changing body and growing baby

  • Self compassion and body acceptance

  • Breastfeeding tips & tricks (if that's your thing)

  • Finding community postpartum

  • How and when to prioritize self care

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