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Work With Me


At Eat Free Wellness, our approach is simple: Whole food and whole heart nutrition. With a focus on eating whole foods and learning to trust your body and mind, you can learn to let go of the word “no” and start to truly savor and enjoy the meals you eat, with the ones you love.



  1. Health History: Before your initial session, you will fill out a Health History form, where we review your current lifestyle, goals and challenges

  2. 1st Session: We will go over your health history form in detail and create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals

  3. Follow up Sessions: As life happens, we will work through new situations and challenges that arise. I will provide nutritional information, tools and strategies to help you face anything life throws your way without compromising on your goals.

  4. Conclusion: At the end of the program, you will receive detailed session notes, a summary of your accomplishments (big and small) and the tools you need to sustain your health and wellness goals for the long term

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What is a Health Coach?

Think of a health coach as the mentor and cheerleader on your wellness journey. We will dive deep into your goals, both physical and emotional, to inspire and co-create transformative growth. 


Goals change over time, and that’s ok. Identifying your core values as a guiding light, a health coach will help you explore new paths and navigate changes in direction as you work towards those goals. 


A health coach is the “HOW” to your “WHAT.” Whether you are looking to lose weight, increase your energy levels or even just feel happier, a holistic health coach will work with you to identify potential barriers to your success and develop an attainable, step-by-step plan for lasting change that works for you, wherever you are in your life and your journey.

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